
Calorie Burned by Heart Rate Calculator

With VO2max: Male: Calories/min = (-95.7735 + (0.271 * Age) + (0.394 * Weight) + (0.404 * VO2max) + (0.634 * Heart Rate))/4.184
Female: Calories/min = (-59.3954 + (0.274 * Age) + (0.103 * Weight) + (0.380 * VO2max) + (0.450 * Heart Rate)) / 4.184

Without VO2max: Male: Calories/min = (-55.0969 + (0.6309 * Heart Rate) + (0.1988 * Weight) + (0.2017 * Age)) / 4.184
Female: Calories/min = (-20.4022 + (0.4472 * Heart Rate) - (0.1263 * Weight) + (0.074 * Age)) / 4.184

Reading Your Analysis It just seconds, the “Calories Burned by Heart Rate” calculator will return a set of statistics for you. Here is an example for a 32-year-old female who weighs 133 pounds, is exercising for 30 minutes, and has an average heart rate of 65:
“You burned roughly 1 calories per minute for a total of 24 calories.”
This information is very helpful, as it lets you know what you need to do to increase your heart rate and to burn more calories.
When that same person increases her heart rate to 75, here is what the calculator returns:
“You burned roughly 2 calories per minute for a total of 57 calories.”
Keep in mind that our calculator returns results that represent the average person within specific age, weight, and heart rate categories. Depending on your metabolic rate, your age, and your sex, you may be able to burn more or will burn less calories. Try not to get discouraged. Every person’s body is different.
As your body adjusts to an exercise routine and a healthy eating lifestyle, you may find that you can increase your metabolism and burn more calories per minute. Give your exercise regimen some time and focus on what you like to do to work up a sweat. You’ll enjoy it more this way!
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Calories Burned Calculator

Calories Burned Formula: Total Calories Burned = Duration (in minutes) x (MET x 3.5 x weight in kg) / 200

Losing weight is about more than simply finding a healthy diet and sticking to lower calorie intake. Indeed, those people who wish to lose weight at a steady and quick clip need to pair restricted calorie intake with the right amount of caloric output. There is virtually no better way to burn calories than to engage in regular cardio exercise, and most health professionals agree that those people looking to lose weight and get back in shape should dedicate at least half an hour of their time, five days per week, to either running, biking, swimming, or walking.
While this is a good guideline, it still doesn’t’ account for just how many calories are burned during any given exercise. Indeed, this number depends on the conditions of the ground where exercise took place, the duration of the workout itself, the type of workout, and the person’s bodyweight and overall speed. These key components are the best, and generally only, way to calculate the effectiveness of an exercise. Luckily, a calculator can showcase the effectiveness of an exercise by using all of these attributes to display the number of calories burned by an individual during their most recent workout.

Using an Online Calculator: Inputting Body Weight Overweight individuals looking to lose weight do have one thing which might be ironically construed as an “advantage” when endeavoring to burn calories: People with higher body weight actually burn more calories in the same period of time than those who have a healthy body weight or who have been exercising more consistently over longer periods of time. This is why a good calorie burned calculator will absolutely request a user’s body weight before outputting the number calories burned by their exercise. It might sound invasive at first, but supplying the calculator with body weight information is the best way to determine the overall effectiveness of the exercise.

The Importance of Speed During Calorie Burned Calculation All cardio workouts are not created equally, and those users who are able to run, bike, swim, or walk faster, will find that they are also able to burn more calories in the same amount of time than their slower counterparts. This is the number one area where most dieters and exercisers focus their efforts, as incremental improvement in the speed of an exercise promotes not only more burned calories each time an exercise is completed, but also contributes to a more significant and long-lasting boost of the person’s metabolism. The calorie burned calculator takes this into consideration when determining its output, and users will be rewarded for running just a bit faster each time.

An Uphill Battle Leads to Downhill Numbers on the Scale The grade of the workout is not, as some people might think, an arbitrary evaluation of how well a person perfumed during their jog. Indeed, the calorie burned calculator asks for the grade in terms of overall elevation, as completing cardio on an uphill climb is far more effective at working the muscles and burning calories than a workout done either on a flat piece of land or on a downhill grade. Any calorie burned calculator should allow for this information to be entered, as the terrain on which a workout was executed is key to determining its effectiveness.

Type and Duration are the Last Pieces of the Puzzle Running is more effective than biking, and swimming is more effective than running. The type of workout done specifically determines how many calories were burned, as does the duration of the workout itself. Remember that half an hour is a great place to start, but increasing the longevity of the workout will decrease the longevity of the initial weightless period. The calorie burned calculator will make this plainly obvious as the workout’s duration increases over time.

Always Calculate Calories and Stay on Track Despite common wisdom, there really is comfort in numbers. Using a calorie calculator is a great way to show the hundreds of calories burned through a simple workout, and those numbers will directly lead to a feeling of accomplishment and progress. Always know the numbers associated with weight loss, both calories in and calories out, and the process will be far more effective and rewarding than it would be with mere estimations and loose guidelines.

Calories Burned Running Calculator

This calorie calculator will help you analyze the amount of calories you burn each day so you can better target your nutrition needs. At the most basic level, losing weight is about taking in or eating less calories than you burn each day. With this calculator, you’ll have a better understanding of just how many extra calories you can or should consume given your run distance each day.
Finally, you can easily calculate how many calories you burn while running. This calorie calculator will help you analyze the amount of calories you burn each day so you can better target your nutrition needs. At the most basic level, losing weight is about taking in or eating less calories than you burn each day. With this calculator, you’ll have a better understanding of just how many extra calories you can or should consume given your run distance each day.
The first number generated for you, “Calories burned without running” is the amount of calories you burn by just performing daily functions.
Simply speaking, this is the amount of calories you would need to eat to maintain your current weight and energy levels when doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and a slight bit of walking around. The second number generated for you is the neat number, which is the number of calories you burned on during the run. By taking into account your weight, distance, and pace, we you can get an accurate measurement of the total calories you’ve burned.
The usefulness of this calculator lies in the third number, the “total calories burned for the day”. This number is the total number of calories, running plus daily activities that you’ve burned. So, for you to maintain proper energy and recovery levels, you need to eat at least this many calories, if not more. Likewise, if you are looking to loose weight, you need eat less than this number of calories. In addition, I’ve included the number for carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you should target for consumption. Typically, calculators display this number as a percentage, but providing a number in grams, which is how it will be displayed on any nutrition label

Calories Burned Swimming Calculator

Calories Burned Swimming Formula: Total Calories Burned = Duration (in minutes) x (MET x 3.5 x weight in kg) / 200

How the Formula Works Formulas to calculate calories burned can be complex and different based on the activity. Our calories burned while swimming calculator makes it easy. You need to know these three factors to use the calculator:
- Duration in minutes of swimming - Your weight in pounds - Whether you swam at a leisurely, general, or competitive pace The information you put into this calculator is put into the following formula to determine how many calories you burned: Total Calories Burned = Duration (in minutes) x (MET x 3.5 x weight in kg) / 200

MET is the metabolic equivalent, and it is based upon the pace you used while swimming. The faster you swam, the more force you exerted, and the higher the MET, which means that you burned more calories compared to a more leisurely pace. The MET is a standard number based on your pace that has already been calculated by physiologists.
Look closely at the formula and it requires the MET to be multiplied by 3.5 and your weight in kilograms, but you put your weight into the calculator in pounds. That is because before it uses your weight in the calories burned formula, our calculator converts your weight to kilograms. This saves you a step in the process. Our swimming calories burned calculator is just the beginning of having a healthy lifestyle. You need to take the information and make proper use of it for it to influence your life.

Calories Burned Walking Calculator

Calories Burned Walking Formula: Total Calories Burned = Duration (in minutes) x (MET x 3.5 x weight in kg) / 200
MET = [(0.175*Speed)+(0.9*Speed*%Grade)] / 3.5
Where speed is in meters per minute

Calories Burned Walking Definition Walking is an efficient and beneficial form of exercise, but just carrying around a pedometer as you take turns around the block can leave you wondering how much impact your exercise routine is really having. Before, you were limited to a treadmill at a stuffy gym if you wanted insight into how many calories you have burned while walking at a certain pace. This is not the case anymore thanks to the Calories Burned Walking Calculator.
How the Calculator Works The calculator works by calculating the pace and incline at which you have walked in conjunction with your own weight and the amount of time you spent working out. With these factors the calculator can determine approximately how many calories you have burned over the course of your workout.
When inputting your information, be precise. Exaggerating the pace at which you walked or indicating a higher incline than what was true will provide you with a higher estimate of calories burned, but you did not actually burn those calories. If you are walking around your neighborhood, check an online map for precise distance and grade information.
When Calculating Your Own Weight Loss Progress, Keep the Following Factors in Mind: 1. Calories burnt are proportionate, so the amount of calories that your body expends will differ based on your starting weight and body fat percentage. Always be as accurate as possible when inputting your personal weight information.
2. All four input criteria must be filled for a calories burned estimate. The calculator will not work properly if any of the required information is missing.
3. The Calories Burned by Walking calculator is intended to approximate energy expended during walking only. If you insert the amount of distance, time and incline achieved while running or cycling you will not receive an accurate calorie approximation. For those types of activities it is best to consult calorie calculators specialized for those purposes. The calculator uses a precise mathematical formula that incorporates the rate at which you are moving and the impact that your movement has on your body. The larger your body, the more energy will be required in order to complete an activity.

Walking to Lose Weight
Walking is a form of low impact cardiovascular activity that can help you to lose weight with minimal risk for injury. Walking is a safe form of exercise for most individuals, but before starting any exercise program you should speak with your physician to ensure that you are ready for increased activity.
Unlike other forms of exercise that require specialty equipment or gym membership fees, walking can be done in any environment at any pace. Those who have trouble with increased activity often benefit from walking at a slow pace to get started with their weight loss goals. As you start your walking exercise routine, using the Calories Burned by Walking Calculator can help you to keep your motivation level high. You can have more control and understanding over your workout progress by understanding how many calories you have expended, and use that information to reduce the amount of calories that you are eating every day.
When used to keep track of your increased exercise level to moderate your calorie consumption, the Calories Burned by Walking Calculator can help you to maintain control over your weight loss efforts. Use the calculator and let your friends know how many calories you have burnt today.

Daily Calorie Calculator

Daily Calorie Formula: Daily Calorie Need = BMR * Exercise Level Multiplier (see description below)
Daily Calorie Definition The Daily Calorie Calculator will calculate how many calories you need each day based on your height, weight, age, gender, and activity level. Do you know how many calories you need each day? Using the free online daily calorie needs calculator makes calculating calories easy! Now you can calculate how many calories you need with just a press of a button. Be sure to update your weight and activity levels when they change in order to do an accurate calories needed per day calculation. Try out the online daily calorie intake calculator now! Guide to the Daily Calorie Requirements Calculator Sedentary = BMR * 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly Active = BMR * 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
Moderately Active = BMR * 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
Very Active = BMR * 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
Extremely Active = BMR * 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training)
BMR Formula for Men = 66 + (13.7 * wt in kg) + (5 * ht in cm) – (6.8 * age in years)
BMR Formula for Women = 655 + (9.6 * wt kilos) + (1.8 * ht in cm) – (4.7 * age in years)

Daily Energy Expenditure Calculator

Daily Energy Expenditure Formula: Your daily energy expenditure is equal to your BMR. Everyone burns a different amount of calories in a day, thanks to differences like age and gender, so a one size-fits-all number won’t be accurate for everybody. This calculator will calculate how much energy you expend in a day to stay alive –not how much the average person burns.
The Daily Energy Expenditure Calculator requires the following inputs: Weight (lbs.)
Height (in.)
All of these variables are important. After you input all of the variables, the calculator will calculate the energy you burn over the course of a day. Weight Weight is one of the primary determinants of your metabolism. The more you weigh the more calories you will burn. This is true if you are working out or just sitting at the computer. This health calculator is set up to use English measurements, so you must input your weight in pounds. Height The more surface area your body has, the more energy you will expend in a day. This means that taller people naturally burn more calories than shorter people. Your height must be in inches when you put it into the calculator. If you are 5’6” tall, for example, you are also 66 inches tall. Age Metabolism is strongly determined by age. When we are young we expend a lot of energy. As we get older our metabolism gradually slows down. The metabolic peak is usually around age 20. Beyond that, our BMR goes down by approximately 2% every 10 years. Sex Sex also plays an important role in determining your metabolic rate. It may not be fair, but men naturally burn more energy than women. This is because they have less body fat and more muscle mass. Your Daily Energy Expenditure After you have entered all of the variables into the calculator you will find out your daily energy expenditure. But what does this number mean? Your Basal Metabolic Rate is how much energy you have to expend every single day just to stay alive. It is how much energy you need just to keep going. The formulas only consider a person at rest, so it does not take into account calories burned as you do things during the day.
Basically, your BMR is how many calories you burn if you stay in bed and watch TV or sit in front of a computer screen all day. Exercise and other activities will increase the amount of calories you burn. BMR is often used as a starting point when someone is designing a weight-loss or maintenance program. Because of the inherent health risks associated with these programs, you should always consult your physician before you begin. Variations There are some variations which are not accounted for by the calculator. Genetics sometimes play a role in determining a person’s BMR. Some people naturally have very high or very low metabolisms. The environment can also play a role. Those who live in very cold climates tend to have fairly high BMRs. Regular exercise can also increase your BMR.