Three Metabolic Types

Three Metabolic Types.

It is easy to say people are fat (negative word I hate), and people are skinny (negative word I hate). A more specific way to describe body types that might actually help a person understand what the hell is going on, and maybe even help them make the right changes are breaking body types into three very specific different types. These types include the way our body metabolizes the three macro-nutrients.

Fat/Protein efficient
Carbohydrate efficient
A combo of the two above: DUAL

Mr./Mrs. Fat/Protein metabolic type.

Of all three types the most physically resilient of the three types is the fat/protein person. This group covers about 74% of the population. This person metabolizes/digests fats and protein more efficiently. Fat is converted to lipids for energy and protein for tissue (muscle repair). This person should chose a diet that reflects the ability to break down and use these two macro-nutrients over the third. The percentage break down of the food intake should be as follows; 50% protein, 25% Fat, and 25% carbohydrates, preferably complex carbs, honestly the only carbohydrate I would suggest, aside from fruit. This type of body has the ability to efficiently metabolize or process protein, which leads to a strong lean body. This body type may do best with a exercise program that focuses on weight training, about 70-75%, and 25-30 cardiovascular. Although sometimes cardiovascular training may not be this body types favorite, it is still a necessary part of their program. Physical appearance may not be the tell tale signs of any metabolic type, but usually this type of individual has a very muscular built, and will gain muscle mass evenly, through out the body. The unfortunate side? When this individual gain weight, it usually is all over, not just a particular area.

Mr./Mrs. Carbs.

This group covers 23% or the population. This person can efficiently and usually without and adverse effect digest and metabolize various forms of carbs. To name a few;

Brown rice and even white
Pasta and the list goes on.

This individual has a stable, and durable insulin response. Blood sugar insulin levels remain fairly stable. Usually this person may appear to be tall and thin. The ideal diet, or food intake should be about 68% carbs, 20% protein and 12% fat. This individuals primary source of exercise should be cardiovascular. The ability to metabolize and utilize carbohydrate at this capacity supplies this individual with envied endurance. Weight training should not be ignored and should take up the remaining 75%. This individual has less muscle mass than the previous type. It is difficult for this type of individual to gain or build bulky muscle, they have the ability to excel in endurance sports, and activities that require prolonged stamina.

Mr./Mrs. Dual

This is about 3% of the population and can utilize and digest foods in all three groups. This metabolic type results from genetic factors, and life long choices that have made their systems efficient in metabolizing all macro nutrients. Their exercise program should consist of 50% cardiovascular and 50% resistant, or weight. When a person with a dual type metabolism gains weight it seems to be equal in areas. They have a V-shape appearance with wide shoulders, narrow hips, and a pretty much evenly distributed muscle mass.

Believe it or not this type is the most sensitive of all three types. However when fed correctly it is the most responsive. This type needs all three maronutirients. When this type of individual indulges in ridiculous fad diets, they fail more often.


Metabolism, and the type you are, is partially a product of your environment, but also your genetics. Also let it be said that just because your family holds fat in the middle or hip area it doesn’t mean that you will HAVE to hold the same. You can change your body type regardless of genetic factors.

Metabolism testing

There are two ways you can find out your metabolic type. First you can go have a panel blood check. This is a quick and accurate way to test your metabolic type. However, many doctors do not offer this test, and even more important, more than likely it would not be covered by your insurance.

Another way is through a series of questions. If you would like a basic assessment of your metabolic type simply send me and email at There is a very small fee associated with this. This fee is to merely cover my time, and work that I would be investing. You will get a full report explaining your type, the way you should eat, tips, and any other information prevalent to your type. After a very quick and basic questionnaire I can send you an estimate of cost. This is cheaper than you would think and probably one of the most important investments you make.

Finale note:

Lay off the scale. Volume for volume muscle weighs more than fat. What doe this mean take a cup of fat and a cup of muscle. The cup of muscle will weigh more and, be more compact and right. Fat is sloppy, all over the place and not so appealing. Want to have a positive experience losing weight? Learn this concept, and live by it.

Written by: Diane Mohlman