SO I have been thinking for some time on trying JYM supplements. No you read it right, I said JYM not GYM! Bad opening joke aside, they, as some of you might know, are a supplement company who have a pretty good reputation in the market for their products and I have been considering buying some of their stuff to aid in both my PE and my regular workouts.
So my question for you all is if you know of them, or have tried them, or have better recommendations for supplementations, feel free to drop them down below and I'd love to hear them!
Also on an aside, is it better to burn fat first, then bulk? Or bulk then burn to get shredded? I feel like the second is best because you have to add mass to gain muscle in large quantities no? I've always been quite a skinny guy, so I've never really had to worry about fat to have my gains show.
That being said, I was also never particularly big either so I would kinda like to hit a happy medium and be shredded. If you know that lean and shredded look where the guys aren't huge but have lots of definition that's my end goal, and I would appreciate and pointers or suggested reading to get me on track to reaching that goal.
Thanks and I look forward to your responses!
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
-whiteboard animation
7 Years ago
7 Years ago