Strongest Certification for Exercise Program Design?

Just trying to get some ideas as to peoples thoughts on which Training Certificate Programs are strongest in terms of teaching training program design.....exercises ,reps, sets, sequence,etc. Any really cutting edge programs out there? Thoughts? Suggestions?
  • dominic
    10 Years ago
    Great list. I have my NSCA and NFPT cert and it serves me well. Most of my clients look for both of those certs. With any of the top 9 you really cant go wrong.
  • thomas
    10 Years ago
    Great question. Honestly, you cant go wrong with any of these below.

    1. ACSM - American College Of Sports Medicine

    2. NASM - National Academy Of Sports Medicine

    3. NSCA - National Strength And Conditioning Association

    4. NCSF - National Council On Strength And Fitness

    5. NFPT - National Federation Of Personal Trainers

    6. ACE - American Council On Exercise

    7. CI - Cooper Institute

    8. Scirion Institude (SIEP)

    9. ISSA - International Sports Science Association