Stomach Tips

What do you guys suggest for someone like me who has always had a layer of fat on the stomach area? Even at my skinniest it just won't seem to go away!!! I am sure tons of women have this issue, there are just certain areas where the fat is stubborn. Are there certain exercises or a diet that prevents buildup of stomach fat?
  • doug
    11 Years ago
    Great advise. Rick, you seem to really know your business.
  • christyl
    11 Years ago
    You are right, starvation has become my middle name.. I work full time, go to school full time, and have kids.. Since I started this schedule fitness took a real backseat. I tried to compromise the less exercise with less food to keep slender, but I have lost a lot of muscle in the process so the balance is off..
    No trying to bs my way out of this one, I've been lazy! sf-surprised.gif
  • freakyhuge
    11 Years ago
    Even with your very busy schedule, you can eat right. Believe it or not, you lose and gain the same way, eat! You don't eat less often to lose weight. You change the macro ratio. By keeping your protein intake the same, you reduce your carbs and the fat will fly off. Learn to prepare your meals in advance. It takes the same time to cook 6 portions of chicken as 1. Frozen steamer veggies can be taken out of the freezer and put in the microwave in seconds. There's really no "too busy" schedule that can prevent proper diet. Take an insulated lunch box in the car to eat while you drive. Keep a shaker cup at home, in the car, and at work. Set your phone to beep when it's time to eat. You get the picture!
  • freakyhuge
    11 Years ago
    I deal with this on all my female athletes. Without knowing more about your diet and training, I can only make some assumptions. First, I'm guessing that you do too much cardio and don't consume enough protein. I also assume that you starve yourself to get "skinny". Truthfully, you don't want "skinny". I see all too many skinny/fat women killing themselves on the treadmill and eating so little, a cockroach would starve.
    Some basics:
    Eat 1.25 grams per pound of lean body weight per day.
    Eat at least 5 meals per day, every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, evenly dividing your protein over each meal.
    Lift weights! Even heavy training will not make you look like a man!
    Drink at least 1 1/2 gals. water a day
    Limit cardio to an hour 5 days a week at a normal walking pace
    Make all your carbs low glycemic, consuming between 125-150 grams/day
    Take in about 50 grams of EFA's/day
    Allow about 25 grams of other fats/day

    The above is good for a woman in a weight range of 115-140lbs at 5'-2" to 5'-6"
    Obviously, a more specific diet, coupled with the right training program can be designed with more info about you.