Pre-Workout/Post-Workout Recovery

Hello, I've been searching for information on the use of essentials oils for Pre-workout/Post-workout recovery. Any advice if essential oils would be beneficial or worthwhile? From what I've been reading essential oils are pretty powerful and I'd rather take a natural approach. Please help. Thanks! I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Big Data solution Video
  • thomas
    6 Years ago
    Best thing to take post workout is a fast acting and fast absorbing whey isolate. Stay away from concentrates as they are slow digestive and dont metabolize to the muscles right away. Isolates are stripped of sugars, carbs, lactose, ect, so its a super clean and fast delivery system. That is also the best time to take your branch chain aminos since they dont metabolize in the liver, they do in the muscles. its helps a great deal with protein synthesis as well. Plus I take a glutemin to aid with muscle fiber repair.