I want to get HUGE, but all the supplements I take dont work

I get asked this all day, everyday, and want to point something out. Question is this: I want to get HUGE, and take all of the supplements out there and just don't seem to be getting any bigger. Answer. Folks, supplements are just that. Supplemental to your macro intake of carbs and proteins from food. Remember this one thing. Your only in the gym maybe an hour a day. your outside of the gym 23 hours. Its what you put in your body, when, and how much that makes you a champion. Do not be fooled of fueled by some fitness magazine with a yoked up monster saying he got huge in 6 weeks from XYZ product. Email me and let me know what your goals are and I am all too happy to help and share.

Your staple should be creatine, whey protein, BCAA's, Glutamine, fishoil, and a good multi vitamin. If your using gear, this could also change. If your talking a bunch of peptides and have a great deal of bloating, or using insulin, creatine might not be a good thing to stack. Same with IFG 1 and other HGH injections. Remember the golden rule. Train to your bodies capacity and supplement to your bodies needs.