Finger exercises and studies

Hello, Just wondering, what is everyone's favourite way of improving finger strength and co-ordination? I'm finding this more of an issue as I'm taking on slightly harder pieces, and so there are quicker passages which need to be in time and even. Obviously, each little hurdle that arises, you can invent a little exercise based around it, like changing rhythm, isolating little parts of it and so on, and that's useful. And of course there's always trying to get the scales and arpeggios at a decent pace as well (but the little finger barely gets a look in there, so that isn't enough on its own). I think a contributory factor to my Mum giving up piano lessons was the Czerny exercises that were inflicted on her after Grade 5 .. But presumably there are more interesting exercises out there, and anyway again, maybe some people prefer to invent their own based on their own strength and weaknesses So what does everyone like to do to improve finger strength? I didn't find the right solution from the internet. References: app trailers
  • dominic
    6 Years ago
    Then tendons that support the flexor tendons are mainly your forearms. Your finger strength is built up along with the antagonist muscles in the forearms. are you doing some obstacle coarse training or ninja warrior training? Its an interesting topic as more and more people are starting to get into obstacle type training and HIIT training, so grip and such become paramount.